Holy Smokes

Talking gorillas and missing coffee cups and shit . . .

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Can I just say that I walked SIX motherfucking MILES today? Yeah, I did. I went to meet mj and bs at The Globe Pub to see some shitty cover band (which turned out to be one overweight guy with an electric guitar) and walked three miles there and three miles back. (To be honest, I only walked back because I couldn’t locate the appropriate bus stop and got tired of guessing.)

Before leaving to go see nothing, I began watching one of my Netflixed films – it’s a documentary that is called (I think) Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills or something like that. It’s real upbeat and not at all depressing. I’m halfway through and so far it’s an unflinching, unbiased look at a hideous crime and the subsequent trial. (And by “unflinching” I mean that the viewer is privy to EVERYTHING – including the crime scene – bodies and all. I, and my sleeping mind, could have done without seeing three dead second graders . . . but filmmakers will do as they please. I don’t judge.)

Also, I can't wait until all of the Lollapalooza assholes are gone from the city. As mj astutely observed: "they mostly look like high schoolers from Iowa . . ." Yeah. Seriously. Lollapalooza? Get real. I went to Lollapalooza when it really was Lollapalooza and that was 1993. Um, if you're over the age of 25 and still going to Lollapalooza . . . get over it! Go hole up in your apartment with your Pearl Jam and Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins cds and grow-the-fuck-up.

It's harsh, but it's true.

Tomorrow, if I have the stomach to finish the documentary, I am at long last going to watch Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Being the “old Hollywood” freak that I am, I don’t know how I haven’t seen this yet. I know all about Joan Crawford (love her) and Bette Davis (love her) and their mutual hatred for one another. Bette Davis once said something along the lines of “the best working experience I had with Joan Crawford was when I got to push her down the stairs in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

If you want my opinion, I think they had a disasterous fling . . . Sorry girls, but that’s the way it seems.

In the spirit of the Bette Davis/Joan Crawford rivalry, link of the day is: THIS.


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