Holy Smokes

Talking gorillas and missing coffee cups and shit . . .

Monday, July 24, 2006

We might eat this year, kids! Mama's got a job interview!

I don't even remember the weekend. Unemployment makes the days seem endless -- one just bleeds into the next without definition. Hopefully that's soon to end. Landed a job interview this week with my (undergraduate) alma mater. I'll be interviewing with someone who taught me back in the day -- so this will take the pressure off a bit. Sounds like a pretty sure thing, but I'm not counting my chickens just yet, the eggs ain't hatched.

If I do get a job at my old school, it will be very Welcome Back Kotter-esque . . . Which works in nicely with my plans to emulate the scenarios played out in sitcoms of the 1970s. Hopefully my dry cleaning business will really take off so I can move to a high rise in Manhattan.
My sister is visiting this week and last night we thoroughly annoyed our parents by continually exclaiming "Jesus Christ!" a la Mr. Slave. For whatever reason, she and I couldn't get enough of the expression/Lord's name. There's something about my sister's presence that causes me to act really juvenile. Causes me to do things like wake her in the morning by strumming an accoustic guitar and singing, "You better get up now."

Speaking of accoustic guitars, my sister told me this crazy story about one of her friends who lives in a funeral home (no, seriously) in Iowa and how she was playing her guitar in the "coffin room" and a coffin fell on her guitar, smashing it to smithereens. How many musicians can say that's ever happened to them?

The subject of today's "link of the day" died at 39, leading me to believe I best "slow my roll" as they say . . .

Link of the day: THIS.


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